» Decorative Rugs » Fine Senneh Rug

Fine Senneh Rug

Fine Senneh Rug

Good antique Persian rugs in the Zaranim format are hard to find which makes this pretty little piece even more desirable. It has the typical Senneh weave and grainy wool quality with really lovely dyes, in particular a wonderful light blue and a delicious terracotta. The medallion is very pretty and typical of this group and appears to be floating above the midnight blue field which is decorated with a finely drawn repeating Herati design. The terracotta border is decorated with a meandering vine around stylised blossoms. the entire composition is very elegant and jewel-like, The pile is thin and fine, and has survived in very good condition, The ends are intact and the selvages are good.

Cat No: HD51
Dimensions: 1.43m x 1.07m
Date: Circa 1900
Price: £950.00