» Decorative Rugs » Perepedil Rug

Perepedil Rug

Perepedil Rug

Perepedil rugs are one of the most familiar and iconic types of East Caucasian rugs. The striking design of repeating rams' horns is instantly recognisable. This piece is a lovely example. Dating to the last quarter of the 19th century, it has a fine weave with a beautiful range of colours. But the most striking thing about it is the drawing of the rams' horns which are archaic and expressive. Myriad other filler ornaments in the field add to the charm, while the pseudo-Kufic border is very attractive and frames the field well. This piece is showing some signs of commensurate with its age but nevertheless remains a very attractive rug of an increasingly rare group.

Cat No: MM005
Dimensions: 2.05m x 1.44m
Date: Circa 1890
Price: SOLD